Latest News
11 July, 2022
Quite a bit has happened since my last blog! We have moved the pigs, won a trophy, and bought more pigs!!! The butchery unit is coming on too but I will update you on that in a separate blog post. But...
11 June, 2022
It was our first time back in the showing at Stafford since 2019 and it was great to be back! We have missed seeing our ‘Ryeland family’ as well as the buzz of the show. We arrived on Tuesday , Mike...
09 June, 2022
Flooded with so many emotions today!! Excitement? For sure!!! I am sooo excited to see today’s delivery arrive safely!! Anxious? For many reasons I am anxious!! Will it arrive safely, will it be...
09 June, 2022
Bad news like this is always rubbish, but I want to give you all an honest portrayal of our journey. This morning I lost Camilla. She was 27 hours old. I found her listless and barely warm. Her mum was...
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